Sep 27, 2010

Forever by Maggie Stiefvater

Here it is....FOREVER by the great Maggie Stiefvater! First off.....I called it! I knew it would be red!

Maggie has a great contest going on. Here are the details:

On either your blog (only independent blogs like those on LJ, Wordpress, etc. -- Goodreads and Shelfari and listservs don’t count) or your Facebook, post the cover image and some version of WHOOO FOREVER, THE LAST BOOK IN THE SHIVER TRILOGY, PRE-ORDER A SIGNED COPY HERE! (so they know what exactly it is you’re posting) and the link to the pre-order site: Then come back to Maggie's site and comment with a link (you don’t have to make your facebook profile unprivate, just tell me it is and we can verify if your name gets picked). If you have a facebook and a blog, you can enter twice, just make sure you leave a unique comment for each entry, because that’s how they’re tallied. Please note if you’re an international entry. Please note, too, that ALL of those component have to be part of your entry to be eligible for #1-6.


1. 2 signed copies of the Linger audiobook, featuring the sex-on-a-stick narrator that reads Cole’s parts and the narrator who SINGS Sam’s songs in his parts.

2. A signed and intensely doodled in copy of LINGER, personalized to you, naturally.

3. A signed and intensely doodled in paperback copy of SHIVER, personalized to you, naturally

4. 4 LINGER tank tops provided by Scholastic (unfortunately only available in two sizes, small and improbably small.

5. A signed UK editon of LINGER.

6. 20 signed bookmarks

7. 15 doodled and signed bookplates

Whatchya waiting for? Visit for all the details!