
Feb 21, 2011

Authors & Bloggers Give Back to Texas Teens

Last Friday, StephanieJennifer and, I had the pleasure of taking around 500 books to the Austin Children's Shelter! My partner in crime, Stephanie and I have been begging, pleading, and buying books to donate since January. If you haven't read my previous posts about this en devour, go HERE and HERE.


Janice (from shelter) asked that we condense the picture book shelves and weed through the reference shelves. She wanted to have a collection that better represented the teen population of the shelter. Clearing and condensing made room for some great MG and YA books!

It took over 7 hours to get the place in order, but...we did it! That also includes a little Paco Taco break. ;)

New YA shelves

Reworked picture book & early chapter books

Reworked middle grade shelves

View from the doorway

Without our awesome donators, this would never have been possible! Stephanie and I give a BIG, WARM, and HEARTFELT THANK YOU to...

Cynthia Leitich Smith
Greg Leitich Smith
Heather Brewer
Cindy Pon
Sophie Jordan
Susane Colasanti
Ellen Hopkins
Jill S. Alexander
Jessica Anderson
Daisy Whitney
Lisa & Laura Roecker
A Blog About Nothing
Between the Covers
Addicted to Novels
Mundie Moms
Fictionally Yours
Reading Or Breathing
Diary of a Bibliophile
Life In a Book Shelf
Chick Lit Cafe
* super awesome anonymous donor

You are all truly amazing and we are so happy and thankful that you helped us spread some bookjoy! We hope that this inspires readers to take a look at their community and see if there is a need. It's amazing what time and a helping hand can do for an organization. No money required! Count your blessings and give back.

If you didn't donate and would like to (or want to donate again!), this will be a continuing project for us.
    *Thank you Jen at Library Gal for your donation!
    *Thank you Kelsey at Reading or Breathing for donating again!
    *Thank you Rachel Caine for donating the entire Morganville Vampires series!

Thank you again for all of your support and for following us on our wild and crazy journey. We hope we didn't clog the Twitter feed too bad. Special thanks goes to my PIC, Stephanie! Whew, that girl knows how to beg! Plus, she brings you donuts....

Happy Giving!