
Jan 13, 2011

The Book Blogger Hop (13)

The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly event hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books and runs from Friday to Sunday. The Hop is a fantastic way to get your blog noticed, and visit some other blogs that you didn't know about before. Head over and sign up and see what you can find!

Each week a different question will be added to the hop in order for conversations to occur, and for your followers to get to know you better. Here we go!

"Why do you read the genre that you do? 
What draws you to it?

The genre or the type of book? I think there is a difference. I read YA because that is what feeds my soul. It's what keeps me wanting more and makes me stay up until 2am. I can never put down a good book. I read a few adult fiction titles, but for the most part...I ride the YA Highway! I have been thinking about doing a post about the types of genres out there. I didn't understand what high and low fantasy was until library school. Heck, I didn't even know about Steampunk until last year! I think it is so interesting how many types of genres are out there. It seems like there is a new classification or description of a book every day. Hmmmm, gonna write that post this week. Stay tuned....

Follow Friday is hosted by the lovely Rachel at Parajunkee's View. Here is her question:

"What makes up your non-human family"?

It's questions like this that I wish I had a storm trooper for a cousin. I love Star Wars. Like, love Star Wars. I would give anything to be related to George Lucas, but it wasn't meant to be. I have a storm trooper cover on my phone, as my wallpaper, and even a spatula. I love it! To answer the question properly, I have two awesome dogs. One is a border collie mix named Zoie and the other is named Peeka. Zoie is so mildly mannered and Peeka is a hot mess and all Cairn Terrier! Train wreck really, but that's okay. 

Hop on by and leave me your link. I would love to hear your answers. 

Accepting donations to the Austin Children's Shelter
Dreaming of Books Hop ends Jan 14th
DROUGHT ARC giveaway ends Jan 19th
Book tours for HUNTRESS, THE ANTI-PROM PROM, and more.