
Jan 20, 2011

Ellen Schreiber - Once in a Full Moon Tour (& Giveaway)

Last night I had the pleasure to hear Ellen speak about her best selling series Vampire Kisses and talk about her new series, Once in a Full Moon. Here are some tidbits about her and her writing:

She was an actor and stand up comedian at The Second City in Chicago

She was inspired to write Vampire Kisses because of 4 things: a rebellious girl character came to mine, three goth girls standing on swings in a park, vampires, and Johnny Depp. She wondered....what would Johnny Depp do if he was a vampire?

She was first published in Belgium - Johnny Lightening

She wrote Vampire Kisses in 1998.

She submitted her manuscript to an editor who was accepting "unsolicited manuscripts" -without an agent.

Years later, her editor asked her to think about writing something new. She knew she wanted to stay with a paranormal theme. She began to think about werewolf's.

Book #2 in this series is called Magic of the Moonlight

Ellen was so nice to sign some bookmarks for me to giveaway. She even said she would make a donation to the Austin Children's Shelter!

I am going to change the way you can enter a little bit. There will be one winner from the Literary Lonestar Facebook page, 1 winner from Twitter, and 1 winner from the blog. You can enter all three to increase your chances.

Literary Lonestar winner - "Like" and comment below the book mark photo

Twitter winner - Tweet "Win a signed #OnceinaFullMoon bookmark from I Read Banned Books! @jenbigheart @ellenschreiber @PitchDarkBooks"

Blog winner - Follower and comment on this post with an email

*Giveaway closed*

Montgomery County Teen Book Festival, Jan 21-22
Coming Soon - Interview & Giveaway with Anna Godbersen