
Jan 13, 2011

Texas Wants The Dark Days of Supernatural Tour

The Dark Days of Supernatural Tour is well underway! So many great books and lovely authors are making their way around the country, but you know what's missing? A stop in the great state of Texas! Did you know Texas is the second largest state in the Union AND there are over 25 million readers that call Texas home? Why, oh why would the awesome Supernatural Tour not make a quick stop in Texas? We don't know either, but today, January 13th, 2011, Texas bloggers are asking HarperTeen to come to the Lonestar State! 

This is an awesome tour that will feature some of our favorite authors, like Ellen Schreiber, Cynthia Hand, Claudia Gray, Courtney Allison Moulton, and Kimberly Derting!

Awesome, right! If you are TX blogger or would love for The Dark Days of Supernatural Tour to make a stop in Texas, show your support! Blog, Tweet, shout it on the rooftops that you want the tour to come.

Check out The Dark Days of Supernatural Tour HERE
Find them, follow them, tweet them HERE use #DarkDays in your tweets.
Like them on Effbook HERE

Want to link up your blog post about bringing the tour to Texas..visit another Literary Lonestar, Girls In the Stacks HERE and Cari Blogs HERE and link up!