
Feb 1, 2011

Black History Month Reading

I have said this before on the blog and I will say it again, you can celebrate African American heritage and literature ANY day of the year! It really irks me when teachers (and librarians alike) wait until the month of February to discuss history and current issues that are important to African Americans (and us all). Saying that, February is a special time in addition to the other months that we can highlight authentic and quality African American events, people, and of course, literature. 

Below is a list of sites that will help you seek out, find, and read a book by an African American writer. 

The Brown Bookshelf is comprised of a group of African American children and young adult authors and illustrators that are dedicated to shining a light on African American literature - year round. I might add...a few are from Texas! For the month of February, they will highlight a different author and/or illustrator of color and their work. Take a look at 28 Days Later

The Austin Public Library has compiled a list of African American teen fiction. 

AALBC - African American Literature Book Club

African American Literature: Suggested Reading Lists from the New Orleans Public Library

Great African-American Books for Young Adults from the Carmel Clay Public Library

African American Fiction Titles For Teens and Young Adults from Amazon

Here are pictures of some of the recent African American books I have read

I hope something inspires to branch out and read some AA lit soon! 

Happy Reading!