
Feb 4, 2011

The Book Blogger Hop (16)

The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly event hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books and runs from Friday to Sunday. 

The Hop is a fantastic way to get your blog noticed, and visit some other blogs that you didn't know about before. Head over and sign up and see what you can find!

Each week a different question will be added to the hop in order for conversations to occur, and for your followers to get to know you better. Here we go!

"What book are you reading now & why?

I am reading DEMONGLASS by Rachel Hawkins today. It is book #2 in the Hex Hall series. I am about halfway through and really enjoying it. The book before that was The Iron Witch - I just posted my review today! Up next...Cryer's Cross. Wow...there a lot of great books out! 

Follow Friday is hosted by the lovely Rachel at Parajunkee's View. Here is her question:

"What is the book you are currently pushing"?

Pushing is a funny way to put it. Personally, I would say recommending. This blog is such a great way to promote and recommend books. By reading others reviews, I get a good idea whether a book is right for me or not. Here is a few books I am recommending. The link will take you to my review.

Graceling on audio (WOW)

Win a signed copy of Bright Young Things - ENDS Feb 6th
Interview with The Iron Witch author, Karen Mahoney
Lauren Oliver giveaway
Review of Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins