
Feb 11, 2011

The Book Blogger Hop (17)

The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly event hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books and runs from Friday to Sunday. 

The Hop is a fantastic way to get your blog noticed, and visit some other blogs that you didn't know about before. Head over and sign up and see what you can find!

Each week a different question will be added to the hop in order for conversations to occur, and for your followers to get to know you better. Here we go!

"Tell us about one of your posts this week,
and give us a link so we can read it?

This week I wrote an unconventional review for DEMONGLASS by Rachel Hawkins. I was so excited to borrow an ARC from a fell Texan blogger! Sometimes I get a little bored reading reviews and I figure my audience does as well. So, I shook things up *just a tad*. So...jump HERE to read a pretty much spoiler free review.  

Follow Friday is hosted by the lovely Rachel at Parajunkee's View. Here is her question:

"What is your favorite romance hero type?"

Hmm, honestly, I don't do a lot of romance. If there is a love interest in the story, I like the man to be a bit reckless. I hate to say bad-boy type, but yes, bad-boy. Tattoos, motorcycle, and beat up leather jacket....I'll take it all. Oh, he can ditch the cigarettes though, yuck! I would prefer him to have a bit of mystery, a dead parent, and maybe a dog that follows him everywhere. ;)

Literary Lonestar Giveaway HERE (look for 200 giveaway status update)
Review and giveaway of Memento Nora coming soon...