
Feb 15, 2011

Cover Reveal - Sweet Venom by Tera Lynn Childs (& Giveaway)

I am happy to be a part of the Sweet Venom reveal for Tera Lynn Childs today!

Sweet Venom (Medusa Girls #1) by Tera Lynn Childs
October 2011 by Katherine Tegen Books

Three teenage, Grace, Gretchen, and Greer, are descendants of Medusa, the once-beautiful gorgon maligned by myth, must reunite and embrace their fates in a world where monsters lurk in plain sight. 

I think the cover is beautiful. I'm not sure which one of the three girls this is a photo of. It almost looks like her hair has a mind of its own. Is it swirling like Medusa's snake hair? I think so...

You can see their character collage in this Books, Boys,

You can find Tera HERE and HERE and on Twitter and Sweet Venom on Facebook
Put Sweet Venom on your Goodreads TBR pile!

Because Tera is awesome, she has provided some wicked cool SIGNED book marks for a few of you!

Contest Rules: 
Must be 13+
Must be a follower
Contest ends at midnight CST, Tuesday, February 22nd
Winner will be chosen using
Must fill out the form below to be officially entered
Good luck!

*Giveaway closed*