
Feb 12, 2011

Texas Book Bloggers Give Update!

As some of you may know, my partner in crime Stephanie Pellegrin and I have been gathering books to donate to the Austin Children's Shelter. It all started with an awesome TX book blogger holiday party back in December, and then extended nationwide when Stephanie and I realized that the shelter was in desperate need of YA and MG books. Lucky us, we know tons of great authors and bloggers! We came home and blogged, Tweeted, and Effbooked away for more donations! We called....and you listened!  

This Friday, February 18th, we will be taking all of the donated books to the shelter. Our initial collection back in December was 50 books. Not too bad for a black light party that ended at 2am, right? When we started asking for donations in January, we were hoping for around 300 more books. It is my pleasure to report that we have received OVER 500 books for the children and teens at the Austin Children's Shelter! It has been overwhelmingly amazing seeing packages and boxes arrive for the teens at the shelter, and reading the sweet messages inside. 

This one stands out for me...

Ugh, tugs at my heart! There are many more messages like these written some of mine, and yours, favorite books! Next week, Stephanie and I will be posting a HUGE thank you post. We will be listing everyone who donated and have pictures of the beautiful books in their new home! 

If you would still like to donate, there is time!