
Mar 20, 2011

(ARC) Tour - Paradise by Jill S. Alexander

Paradise by Jill. S. Alexander
July 5th 2011 by Feiwel & Friends

We're in love.

And not just with the dreamy musician/cowboy nicknamed Paradise. We're in love with this story which even caused our copyeditor to "give up a few meals" so she could keep reading. It's deep and deeply romantic. Swoon.

Paisley Tillery is the drummer for a country rock band. If they can make it to the stage at the Texapalooza music fest, then Paisley will be closer to her dream of a career in music and a ticket out of her small Texas town.

Drumming and music are what Paisley has always wanted. Until the band gets a new lead singer, the boy from Paradise, Texas. With Paradise in her life, what Paisley wants, and what she needs, complicate her dreams coming true

Please be sure to start here if you want to participate.

Comment below with your name and state to be 
considered for this tour.

*tour complete 7/2/2011