
Mar 20, 2011

(ARC) Tour - Pearl by Jo Knowles

Pearl by Jo Knowles
July 19th, 2011 by Henry Holt

Bean (née Pearl) and Henry, misfits and best friends, have the strangest mothers in town. Henry’s mom Sally never leaves the house. Bean’s mom Lexie, if she is home, is likely nursing a hangover or venting to her friend Claire about Bean’s beloved grandfather Gus, the third member of their sunny household.

Gus’s death unleashes a host of family secrets that brings them all together. And they threaten to change everything—including Bean’s relationship with Henry, her first friend, and who also might turn out to be her first love.

Please be sure to start here if you want to participate.
Comment below with your name and state to be 
considered for this tour.

1. Jacinda (IN) 
2. Christi (NJ) 
3. Irish (MA) 
4. Heather (IL)
5. Heather (UT)
6. Kim (CA)
7. Jenna (CA)
8. Colleen (OK) 
9. Savannah (TX)
10. Lauren (KY)
10. Ashely (ID)

*tour closed 8/10*