
Mar 18, 2011

The Book Blogger Hop (22)

The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly event hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books and runs from Friday to Sunday. 

The Hop is a fantastic way to get your blog noticed, and visit some other blogs that you didn't know about before. Head over and sign up and see what you can find!

Each week a different question will be added to the hop in order for conversations to occur, and for your followers to get to know you better. Here we go!

"Do you read only one book at a
time or do you have several going at once?"

I usually read one book and then listen to one in the car. I love audio books and it's a great way to cut down that TBR pile. On the other hand, my kids complain daily about my audio books. They usually don't get to hear the whole story and are totally confused when they jump back in the car. I listened to Numbers by Rachel Ward and I thought my 12yo was going to kill me...she hated it! She still uses a horrible British accent when she talks about that book. 

Follow Friday is hosted by the lovely Rachel at Parajunkee's View. Here is her question:

"How did you come up with your blog name?"

I have talked about this several times, but here is the short version. This blog was created for a class I had in library school. In fact, here is what I wrote that first day, June 11th, 2009 - "This blog was created to meet the requirements for course 5013 Information Storage and Retrieval at the Texas Woman's University." I had to think of a theme that I would write about for the semester. Intellectual freedom has always been an interest to me so the name came easy.

After that class, I took two courses that required I post book reviews. When I graduated, I kept the blog, the name, and the rest is history...

Leave your comments and I'll find you! 

Reviews & giveaway of The Anti-Prom Ends 3/23
Review & giveaway of The End of the Line (coming soon)
Interview with The End of the Line author, Angela Cerrito