
Mar 24, 2011

The Book Blogger Hop (23)

The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly event hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books and runs from Friday to Sunday. 

The Hop is a fantastic way to get your blog noticed, and visit some other blogs that you didn't know about before. Head over and sign up and see what you can find!

Each week a different question will be added to the hop in order for conversations to occur, and for your followers to get to know you better. Here we go!

"If you could physically put yourself into
a book or series, which one and why?

I would have to say something with fantasy elements, but not too death defying. Nothing like the Mortal Instruments series. (too scary!) At the moment I would have to say Harry Potter, but I would be one of those characters that wasn't too close to H, H, & Ron. I wouldn't want to be a target for Lord Voldemort, but would still like to have some magical powers. answer is pretty lame. 

Follow Friday is hosted by the lovely Rachel at Parajunkee's View. Here is her question:

"Give us five book related silly facts about you."

1. People who dog-ear library books rank right up there with people who talk during movies. RUDE.
2. I own the original Kindle and it looks sad gathering dust. I prefer to hold a book. 
3. I take a book everywhere. I read in the car, at the movies (before the show), kids games (when they aren't playing and at halftime), and at restaurants. My husband loves it! #sarcasm
4. I have a really hard time with high fantasy. I'm out at dragons. (well, not Firelight)
5. My bookmarks are usually old DC receipts.

Interview  & giveaway of The End of the Line Ends March 28th
Looking for some reviewers
Short reviews: Red Glove & The Year We Were Famous (coming soon)