
Mar 3, 2011

Cover Reveal - Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl

Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
October 18th, 2011 by Little, Brown Books for Young Reader

Tuesday we got a title, today we get the cover art!  Here is what Kami had to say on MTVs Hollywood Crush, "When you read the book, I think [the title] will be really obvious," she said. "Without a spoiler, for those who read 'Beautiful Darkness,' they know that there were a lot of actions at the end of the book, a lot of decisions that were made that yield serious consequences and some of those consequences are the essence of chaos to us."

So, we have purple, blue, and now gold. The publisher said that the lettering will be gold foiled. Nice! The art goes with the first two and will be very identifiable for readers. Always a good thing. Now the long wait until October...

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