
Mar 24, 2011

The End of the Line - Interview with Angela Cerrito (& Giveaway)

I am happy to have Angela Cerrito, author of The End of the Line, at the blog today. If you haven't already, please read my REVIEW

You are a part of The Elevensies and make your debut as a writer this year! Describe a little about your literary journey.
A huge part of my literary journey has been participating in critique groups -one for magazine writing, one for writing fantasy, a picture book critique group The Write Marbles and a group that shared full novels for critique. I learned so much from each group. It was so exciting as my critique partners landed their first book deals and sharing the good news about The End of the Line with them when it was accepted.

What are some writing must have's?
I've learned that quiet is NOT a must have -I can write in public or in a house full of kids slamming doors, jamming on instruments and chasing animals around the house. I prefer to write with candy (hot tamales are a favorite) but can manage without candy too.

What was your working title for THE END OF THE LINE?
It has been THE END OF THE LINE from day one.

Describe THE END OF THE LINE in three words.
longing for home

Ryan and Robbie are like oil and water at times, how would you describe their relationship?
One reader told me that it took him back to when he and his brother were younger; that was a nice description.

Robbie made a terrible mistake that lead to death of another. Was this accident always a part of the story?
Yes. But it was a difficult part to write. The first draft of the novel didn't even include the actual scene of the accident.

How do you think this book can be inspirational for troubled youth? OR What message do you want this story to carry?
I didn't set out to write a message, only to tell Robbie's story.

What song(s) would you choose to be paired with THE END OF THE LINE?
My favorite musical artist is Vinx. I listened to his music a lot while writing this novel, especially the CD Rooms in My Father's House -it has the perfect mix of love, longing and fun.

How will you celebrate your book birthday?
The book will be released on the 11th and on the 12th I'm speaking at an SCBWI in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. In April there will be a launch party at Barnes and Noble in Livonia, MI near my hometown. I'm really looking forward to celebrating with family and friends.

Thank you, Angela! One lucky winner will win my review copy. Be sure to follow the simple rules below.

*giveaway closed*