I have bookmarked so many awesome things in preparation for this week, Banned Books Week. So, this is where I share them with you. *wink*
I have watched this video at least 5 or 6 times and even shared it way back in July of 2009 on this blog. Too good not to share again!
Aren't these posters rad? They are from 2010, but I love 'em. Thx, Schlow Centre Region Library!
Even the uber talented and dear missed Shel Silverstein has had his books challenged. Notably, A Light In the Attic was challenged because of "suggestive illustrations." It has even been said that the book encourages disobedience and gloried Satan. Whoa! Here is an AUDIO RECORDING from NPR about the wonderful Shel Silverstein recorded just this month. His family members even read poems from his new book, Every Thing On It. Love it!
That's it for now, but stay tuned! Many more to come this week!