Ditched: A Love Story by Robin Mellom
January 10th, 2012 from Disney Hyperion
Justina isn't the prom type, but she has promised her best friend, Ian, that she would go. Lately, Ian is looking a little fetching and Justina thinks it's about time to end her no kissing streak. They have both danced around the subject of getting together and Justina thinks the prom is the perfect opportunity to lay it all out there. Things don't exactly go her way and she ends up jumping out of a moving car and limping to 7-11 at 6am...with no date. How she gets there is a whirlwind ride full of mishaps, misunderstandings, and the wrong boys putting on the moves.
Ditched is pure entertainment and equivalent to watching a sitcom where everything under the sun goes wrong. Her story starts at the end and we learn about her crazy night one stain at a time. Literally. Each chapter points out a stain and she fills us in on how she got it. Cute! She is not only informing the reader, but listening ears at the 7E. I really enjoyed how the story was laid out through her retelling. As she is filling us in on her curry stain, she is slowly but surely learning a little bit about herself and her expectations of love. Maybe she doesn't have all the right answers and just maybe she is partly to blame for this awful night.
Towards the end I became a little frustrated with Justina and her constant missteps. That is probably the mom in me. That girl was always finding herself in a new predicament or situation where trouble would ensue. I wanted just one little thing to go right for her, but understand why they didn't. Justina and Ian put a fresh look on love. Each one has their hangups and faults alike. It was nice to see that the boy wasn't the constant jerk and the girl wasn't following the terrible advise of her dumb friends. Refreshing!
I really like this cover! I think it says so much about the book and it compliments the story. Justina looks like she has been through a rough night and that is exactly what happened. Rough is putting it mildly. Girls will flock to the cover and will enjoy a light read full of laughs and tons of talk about kissing. Win, win!
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You can find Mellom at her website