I am totally jazzed to have Texas author Victoria Scott talking about one of our favorite subjects...TEXAS! Victoria is the author of that hunky book right up there that drops April 2nd from Entangled Teen and she has plenty more in the works! She was also added to the YAB Fest lineup which is May 11th right here in north Austin.
8 trillion miles wide. And 5 inches.
Favorite place to write:
Favorite place to write:
My office. There's a bird feeder right outside my window. I like to watch the birds...and my cats trying to eat the birds. Don't worry, they never succeed. They're less the athletic type and more the Kitty Weight Watchers type.
Best chips and salsa:
Best chips and salsa:
The chips and salsa from Mattitos in Dallas. The. Best.
What the hell is "pop"? Like, the name for a father figure 50 years ago? No, I drink soda. Or more accurately--Coke. Everything is a Coke.
Favorite restaurant:
Favorite restaurant:
Cafe Izmir. It's a Greek place that pours a gallon of oil into its hummus. Success.
What band/singer do you wish would come to your hometown?
What band/singer do you wish would come to your hometown?
Does Ryan Gosling have a band? All those hot actors do. So I want his band to come.
What does Texas do best?
What does Texas do best?
Mexican food. And margaritas. And hot boys.
If you didn’t live in Texas where would you live?
If you didn’t live in Texas where would you live?
Who are some of your favorite Texas authors?
Who are some of your favorite Texas authors?
Jenny Martin, Lindsay Cummings, Mary Lindsey, Rosemary Clement-Moore, Julie Murphy...there are so many more!
Favorite book and movie set in Texas?
Favorite book and movie set in Texas?
Most of Cynthia Leitich-Smith's book are set in Texas, and I LOVE her books. I also believe part or all of No Country for Old Men was filmed in Texas. So I'll go with that one!
Thank you, Victoria! I have to say that you were write about the margaritas and Leitich-Smith! She does Texas proud!
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Victoria Scott adores all things dark and creepy, and gets her best ideas while strolling through the eighteenth-century cemetery near her home. The Collector is Victoria’s first novel, and she is currently working on the second book in the Dante Walker trilogy. Her next project will be a teen thriller series called The Brimstone Bleed from Scholastic. Victoria lives in Dallas with her husband and adores cotton candy. You can visit her online at: www.VictoriaScottYA.com.