
Apr 14, 2013

National Library Week 2013

Viva la libraries, it's National Library Week!
What is National Library Week? It's a seven day celebration of all things the library does for you, your family, and your community! Even though the face of libraries are changing, they are still vital and necessary. Libraries just don't simply hold all of the books. Yes, that's a super big plus - no one I know can afford to purchase thousands of books a month, but the library also has audio books, free ebooks, music, language materials, those fancy medical dictionaries that costs a mint, and also databases. I know, you aren't in school anymore and don't really care about finding a journal article about locus of control and cortisol levels (or do you?) Libraries purchase those scientific databases, but they also have others about genealogy, stocks, investments, language, and how to make a resume to get you out of that job where you serve fries. Yay, those databases are important and costly too. Take advantage of the ones your library has.

How can you celebrate? If you don't have millions of dollars in your trust fund to donate to your favorite library you can do some pretty easy things to celebrate.

Join a public library - Do you know how many times a week I get told "I haven't been in a library since high school."? A lot! Libraries report their memberships to the state and to Board of Dirctors or Trustees. Every single new member makes a difference. Plus, the little key card on your key chain makes you look tres smart!

Get your kids their own library card - Depending on the library and age of child, they can get their own card. What an awesome and empowering way to spread the love of reading.

Visit a bookmobile - I can't tell you how much I want to turn my Surburban into a bookmobile, but the hubs says no. Seek one out and let them know how awesome they are for reaching out to those who are immobile or those with no transportation.

Check out a banned book - Why is TT4L and Catcher in the Rye always challenged in schools? Find out what the (not so big) deal is by reading the books!

Volunteer - Love to be around books and chat about books? Volunteer! That is exactly how I started in libraries. A lot of libraries rely on volunteers for many duties due to budget cuts and staffing issues. Also, volunteers don't just have to be adults. Many libraries welcome teen volunteers too! Ask if  they could use some help and I almost guarantee they will say yes.

Get a new job - Don't know how to write a resume? How do you fill out this complicated online job application? Go to the library and we'll show you! Many libraries also offer job search skill workshops in different languages.

Use the free WiFi - Bring your laptop and study, work, and write that book you've been meaning to start. Get out of the house with all of the distractions and that box of cookies that calls to you from the kitchen. I can't begin to think of how many literary masterpieces were written in a library. That could be you!

Get on the horn - Write, call, and email your state lawmakers and let them know how you feel about libraries. Tell them why you go to the library. Tell them that libraries matter in any way you think they will listen. Tattoo? Go for it!

Sing a song - Take your kids, cousins kids, and the neighbors kids to storytime. There is real evidence out there that singing songs and being read to helps develop literacy skills. Many libraries have Spanish, sign language, and adult story time - too cool!

Hug a librarian - We love being told we're smart. We love feeling like our job makes a difference. Librarians aren't in the businesses to make a lot of money, obviously. We do it for the little moments. Come by and give us a pat on the back, a thumbs up, and even a big hug.

Need any other reason to support and celebrate National Library Week? I could go on.... Feel free to share the image or grab off of Literary Lonestars. Just posting the photo or one of you in a library this week helps! Now, run!