
Jun 11, 2014

Happy 5th Blogiversary to Me!

Today I am celebrating 5 YEARS of doing stuff here! Way back in 2009 I started this blog as a requirement for library school. I had to keep track of search strategies and reviews for classes. After I graduated I decided to keep it up and lo and behold here I am 5 years later! 

I usually have a super fun giveaway, but this year I'm going minimalist, as in I got nothing for you. (even borrowed that image from elainfogel) Over the past few months I've moved, bought four prom dresses for a picky teenager, turned 20 (+20), had a Bob the Builder birthday party (as seen on Insta), and hosted a giant graduation party for the picky teenager. All while working for full-time and wearing my Texas Teen Book Festival and Young Adult Round Table hats. So, sorry kids...maybe next year, but you can find me on Twitter where I chat about books and margaritas. A lot. 

Oh, and I got this wicked awesome tattoo! IMEANSERIOUSLYIAMINLOVE